Academic Projects
Simulating Airflow around a SportsCar
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Investigated the aerodynamic characteristics such as lift and drag coefficients around a sports car using StarCCM+ software. These CFD simulations were compared with the available experimental data and the numerical results agreed to a significant extent.
FE Analysis of a Pressure Vessel
Finite Element Analysis and Applications
Built an FEA model of an internally pressurized vessel to calculate the stresses developed at its nozzle in ANSYS. To confirm the precision of the results, a convergence study was done at the nozzle locations and to confirm the accuracy, the results were verified with hand calculated values at obvious locations.
Design of a Transmission System
Mechanical Transmission Technology
Designed a high speed, high power transmission for a cargo freight vessel which was propelled by five Trent gas turbines. After considering different gearing arrangements, a two-stage fixed ring planetary gear arrangement was chosen. Appropriate gears, shafts, seals and bearings were chosen to meet the reliability and efficiency of the operation while keeping the overall budget under £100,000.
Modelling Spur Gears Using Finite Elements
Mechanical Transmission Technology
Constructed the FEA model in ABAQUS to perform the gear design and analytical calculations of the stress values. Investigated mesh dependence and optimized solution in terms of accuracy vs computational time.
Navier-Stokes Solver
Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer
Developed a fully-fledged Navier-Stokes Solver in Scilab using the predictor-corrector methodology and validated the accuracy of the solver by simulating lid-driven cavity flow for a range of Reynold's numbers and grid quality.
Point Cloud Simplification and CAD Compression
Computer Graphics and Product Modelling
Implemented multiple algorithms such as edge-preserving based on normal vector, and adaptive k-mean clustering method for removing the redundant points in the point cloud. Further, compressed the obtained data of point cloud using frequency domain filtering which involved applying Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) to the set of data.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) of Hydraulic Turbines
Industrial Engineering and Operational Research
A theoretical study of various divisions of CIM like CAD, CAE, CAM, CAPP, CAQ, CAA to reduce the number of iterations in the design of hydraulic turbines which are responsible for the conversion of the mechanical energy of water into electrical energy.
Laser Surface Hardening
Manufacturing Processes
Performed experiments using the technology of laser surface hardening to increase the wear resistance of metals and at the same time ensuring their light weight, low cost, and easy machinability. Concluded the pros and cons of laser surface hardening using the experimental results and theoretical understanding.
Enhancement of Mesh Quality
Rapid Product Development
Studied the already existing traditional means of meshing along with the need and purpose of enhancing the mesh quality while performing any kind of Finite Element Analysis (FEA). Various parameters like shape, size, mesh quality, aspect ratio, etc. that define the mesh quality were studied and all the simulations were performed in ANSYS.
Chandrayaan-1 Mission
Space Flight Mechanics
Simulated the trajectory, manoeuvres and orbit of Chandrayaan followed by a theoretical study of mission objectives, specifications and payload.
Chain Reaction Game
Computer Programming and Utilization
A chain reaction game with simple graphical user interface for real-time
interaction was developed using C++ programming language. The game
was built for various playing options from one player to 8 players and user-specified grid size.